PRIVATE IN-HOME TRAINING provides you with as much individual assistance as you need and can be scheduled around your busy schedule. Many issues need to be addressed in the home; jumping on visitors and trying to run out the door need to be addressed in the home environment. Some dogs are reactive or shy and need to start their training in the security of the home. Sharon will design a training program that will specifically meet the needs of you and your dog.
This program is for dogs of all ages. Problems that are addressed include getting your dog to listen to you, not jump on people or counters, coming when called and not running out the door. Other issues include helping dogs that are fearful, pulling on the leash or being destructive in the house. There are many other issues that we may need to address with training. And you learn how to positively address the issues you are having.
Each lesson provides the foundation for the next lesson. It is necessary that you practice the assignments given you because it is repetition and consistency that will help you reach your goals. This program is for dogs of all ages.